Light responsive all-DNA microgelsHAL R. Merindol, N. Martin, T. Beneyton, S. Ravaine, and J.-C. Baret, Paper presented at the EUSM Anual Meeting, Online, France
Isotropic compression of colloidal gelsHAL L. Cipelletti, M. Milani, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Network dynamics: Synthesis, structure and mechanical properties, Les Houches, France
Isotropic compression of colloidal gelsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the The triple point of failure in glasses and gels: where experiment meets simulation meets theory, Paris, France
The yielding transition of soft colloidsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Complex Fluids and Flows, Lille, France
A microscopic view of failure in multiple polymer networksHAL L. Cipelletti, and N. H. P. Orr, Paper presented at the Symposium SMMP6 (Statistical physics of disordered matter), JMC 2024, Marseille, France
Coupling of shear rheology with SAXS and BDS in rubber nanocomposites.HAL A. C. Genix, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the 12th Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy Conference, Lisbonne, Portugal
Microfluidic platform for biomimetic tissue design and multiscale rheological characterizationHAL M. Layachi, R. Merindol, and L. Casanellas, Paper presented at the Conférence Groupe Francais de Rhéologie, Marseille, France
Microfluidic rheology of vesicle prototissuesHAL M. Layachi, R. Merindol, and L. Casanellas, Paper presented at the Annual European Rheology Conference, Leeds (UK), France
COLIS: an advanced light scattering apparatus for investigating the structure and dynamics of soft matter onboard the International Space StationHAL A. Martinelli, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the JOURNÉES DU GDR : Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquée, Hyères, France
Affine hierarchical compaction of drying beads of colloidal gelHAL M. Milani, L. Ramos, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Annual European Rheology Conference (AERC), Leeds, United Kingdom
The structure of core-shell microgels revisited by SANS and reverse Monte Carlo simulationsHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Microgels 2024, Montabaur, Germany
Scattering from self-assembled structures: microemulsions and liquid crystalsHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Bombannes summer school 2024, Carcan-Maubuisson (Bombannes), France
Controlled formation of multi-scale porosity in ionosilica templated by ionic liquidHAL J. Oberdisse, A.-C. Genix, S. Sharma, J. Alauzun, and P. Hesemann, Paper presented at the Colloque de l'association française de cristallographie (AFC), Montpellier, France
Scattering from surfactant phases: self-assembly of micelles, bilayers, and aggregatesHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Bombannes summer school, Carcan-Maubuisson (Bombannes), France
On the (absence of) structure of nanoparticles in solutions and polymer matricesHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the German Neutron Scattering conference (DNS), Aachen, Germany
Theoretical approaches of optomechanical interactions between light and topological solitonsHAL G. Poy, A. J. Hess, A. J. Seracuse, M. Paul, S. \v Zumer, and I. I. Smalyukh, Paper presented at the 29th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Multiscale modelling of liquid crystals topological solitons and defects, and their interactions with lightHAL G. Poy, Paper presented at the The science of defects: a tribute to physicist Maurice Kleman, Paris, France
Mecanocardiography and capillary pressure measurments in fish embryos by nanoindentationHALPDF G. Poy, &. Lelievre, D. Alexandre, and R. Mérindol, Paper presented at the symposium d'imagerie et analyses des mouvements et déformations, Montpellier, France
Is gluten a polymer like any other? A journey into the complexity of wheat proteins?HAL L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Colloque National du Groupe Français des Polymères, Paris, France
Brittle-to-ductile transition in colloidal gelsHAL L. Ramos, Paper presented at the CECAM workshop "Network dynamics: synthesis, structure and mechanical properties", Les Houches, France
Compression of beads of colloidal gelHAL L. Ramos, Paper presented at the ESI-CECAM joint workshop ''Failure in soft materials: from yielding to fracture", Vienne (AUT), Austria
Is gluten a polymer like any other? a journey into the complexity of wheat proteinsHAL L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Workshop " Protéines et Matériaux ", Lyon, France
Enzymatic Degradation of Biopolymers:A combined Light Scattering - Fluorescence studyHALPDF V. Ruzzi, C. Antoine Assor, C. Dumont, A. Bouchoux, L. Cipelletti, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the The 20th SoftComp Annual meeting, Lyon, France
Emerging scenarios on the yielding transition of soft colloidsHAL D. Truzzolillo, Paper presented at the 6th Italian Soft Days Conference, Florence, Italy
Electrostatics in PNIPAm-based microgels: From two-step deswelling to polyelectrolyte and nanoparticle adsorptionHAL D. Truzzolillo, Paper presented at the Microgels 2024 - Functional Microgels and Microgel Systems, Montabaur, Germany
Numerical study of the material and optical properties of Bragg -Berry cholesteric lensesHAL A. Amari, M. Stebryte, I. Nys, and G. Poy, Paper presented at the 20th Optics of Liquid Crystals Conference, Szczecin, Poland
A unified state diagram for the yielding transition of soft colloidsHAL L. Cipelletti, S. Aime, D. Truzzolillo, L. Ramos, and D. Pine, Paper presented at the CompFlu 2023, Chennai, India
Vitrimer-inspired hydrogels made of DNA with tunable dynamicsHAL L. Cipelletti, P. Le Bourdonnec, and R. Merindol, Paper presented at the EUPOC 2023, Bertinoro, Italy
Glassy dynamics of ultralow cross-linked PNIPAM microgelsHAL L. Cipelletti, R. Elancheliyan, D. Truzzolillo, and N. Segers, Paper presented at the Colloque GdR Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquée, Hyères, France
Controlling the reorganization dynamics of vitrimer inspired DNA hydrogelsHAL R. Merindol, L. Cipelletti, P. Le Bourdonnec, and L. Comunal, Paper presented at the ECIS 2023, Naples, Italy
Drying drops of colloidal suspensionHAL M. Milani, L. Ramos, L. Cipelletti, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the Soft Comp Annual Meeting, Ancona (IT), Italy
The network hardening of drying beads of colloidal gelHAL M. Milani, L. Ramos, L. Cipelletti, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the International Rheology Conference (IRC), Athenes, Grece, Greece
The colloidal glass transition rules the onset of shape instability in drying colloidal dropsHAL M. Milani, L. Ramos, L. Cipelletti, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the International Rheology Conference (IRC), Athens, Greece
Physics of macromolecular systemsHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the ILL Soft Matter Summer School 2023, Grenoble, France
Filler structure and interfacial layer dynamics of polymer nanocompositesHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Ostwald Kolloquium 2023, Darmstadt, Germany
Polymer structure and dynamics in solvents and nanocomposites: from microgels to interfacial layersHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Softcomp Annual Meeting 2023, Ancona (IT), Italy
Keynote lecture on ''Filler structure and interfacial layer dynamics of polymer nanocomposites''HAL J. Oberdisse, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the ECIS 2023 (European colloid and interface society), Naples, Italy
Variations on contrast in scattering experimentsHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Atelier SAXS/SANS (GDR Slamm), Paris, France
A double rigidity transition rules the fate of drying colloidal drops.HAL L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Congrès Général de la SFP. Minicolloque Matière Molle, Paris, France
Yielding of soft glasses under oscillatory shear: New insights from intra cycle response and microscopic dynamicsHAL D. Truzzolillo, Paper presented at the Fluids and Complexity III, Nice, France
Microscopic yielding of glassy materials under oscillatory shearHAL D. Truzzolillo, Paper presented at the XIXth International Congress on Rheology, Athenes, Greece
A unified state diagram for the yielding transition of soft colloidsHAL L. Cipelletti, S. Aime, D. Truzzolillo, L. Ramos, and D. Pine, Paper presented at the International Soft Matter Conference 2022, Poznan, Poland
Probing Simultaneously the Mechanical Properties and Microscopic Dynamics of Soft NetworksHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the 2022 Boulder Workshop on Soft & Active Matter Mechanics, Online, United States
Towards the ISS Colloidal solids experiments: sample synthesis and setup testsHAL L. Cipelletti, C. Iacquinta, J. Behra, T. Phou, D. Truzzolillo, and N. Segers, Paper presented at the Meeting of the GdR MFA, Hyères, France
Volume phase transition in PNIPAM/SWNTs hybrid microgels triggered by near infrared photo-thermal excitationHAL R. D'ambrosio, T. Phou, B. Hehlen, C. Blanc, and E. Anglaret, Paper presented at the Chemontubes 2022, San Sebastian, Spain
Approche théorique de la fragmentation et comparaison aux données océaniquesHAL P. Fabre, F. Nallet, and M. George, Paper presented at the GDRPO2022 : Troisième rencontre du GDR Polymères et Océans 2022, Brest, France
Polymer degradation in the ocean: a model for fragmentationHAL M. George, F. Nallet, and P. Fabre, Paper presented at the 50e Colloque National du GFP, GFP22, Montpellier, France
Drying drops of colloidal suspensionHAL M. Milani, L. Ramos, L. Cipelletti, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the SLAMM Industrie, Paris, France
Drying Drops of Colloidal SuspensionsHAL M. Milani, L. Cipelletti, L. Ramos, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the European Colloid and Interface Society, Chania Crete, Greece
Introduction to the physics and chemistry of interfacesHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the European School of Surface and Nuclear Sciences (ICSM, CEA), Méjannes-le-Clap, France
Interfacial polymer gradients in nanocomposites studied by small-angle scatteringHAL J. Oberdisse, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the JMC - journées de la matière condensée (SFP), Lyon, France
Polymer structure(s) seen by SANS: examples of single-chain nanoparticles, microgels, and interfacial segregation in nanocompositesHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the French-Swiss Meeting : SANS for Soft Matter, Strasbourg, France
Scattering from self-assembled structures: microemulsions and liquid crystalsHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Bombannes summer school 2022, Carcan-Maubuisson (Bombannes), France
Scattering from surfactant phases: self-assembly of micelles, bilayers, and aggregatesHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Bombannes summer school, Carcan-Maubuisson (Bombannes), France
From vesicles to nanocomposites, from Saclay to Grenobleand Montpellier, a scientific journey with Isabelle GrilloHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the The extraordinary structure of ordinary things: A tribute to Isabelle Grillo, Grenoble, France
SANS studies of polymer structure in nanocompositesHAL J. Oberdisse, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the 50 years of D11: A history of SANS at ILL, Grenoble, France
Scattering-based microscope imaging of light beams in soft birefringent media with orientational fluctuationsHALPDF G. Poy, and S. \v Zumer, Paper presented at the SPIE Organic Photonics + Electronics,, San Diego, United States, 12207, 1220708
Hidden traces of chirality in the fluctuation modes of fully unwound frustrated cholestericsHAL G. Poy, Paper presented at the 28th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
Is gluten a (bio)polymer gel like any others? A journey into the complexity of wheat proteins.HAL L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Journées du GDR Durabilité et Matériaux BioSourcés (Dumbio), Grenoble, France
Efficient polymer templates for tailoring properties of functional ordered mesoporous materialsHAL J. Richard, A. Phimphachanh, E. Molina, M. Mathonnat, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, N. Marcotte, M. In, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the International Sol-Gel Conference SOLGEL 2022, Lyon (ENS Lyon), France
Nouveaux matériaux mésoporeux hybrides fonctionnels à conductivité protonique élevéeHAL J. Richard, A. Phimphachanh, S. Devautour-Vinot, P. Trens, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, M. In, N. Marcotte, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the Matériaux 2022, Lille, France
Directing the formation of functional porous hybrid materials with polyion complexesHAL J. Richard, A. Phimphachanh, E. Molina, M. Mathonnat, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, N. Marcotte, M. In, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, Gênes (Italie), Italy
The Microscopic Yielding of Soft Materials: from Experiments to Catastrophe Theory.HAL D. Truzzolillo, Paper presented at the International Meet on Condensed Matter Physics (CMP- MEET 2022), Munich (Allemagne), Germany
Rôle de la force d’ancrage sur le bon alignement planaire de la phase NTBHAL A. Aouini, M. Nobili, I. Dozov, D. Stoenescu, and C. Blanc, Paper presented at the CFCL2021, Calais, France
To be (linear) or not to be (linear)? Mucus dynamics under strainHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Probing out of equilibrium soft matter, Fribourg, Switzerland
Microscopic dynamics in driven network-forming systemsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the 11th Liquid Matter Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
Small-angle scattering analysis in polymernanocomposites: Structure of chains and fillerHAL A.-C. Genix, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the 48èmes journées d'études des polymères (JEPO), Porquerolles, France
Structure and dynamics of polymer nanocomposites with different interactionsHAL A.-C. Genix, V. Bocharova, A. Sokolov, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the APS March Meeting Division of Polymer Physics, Virtual Conference Online, United States
Nanoparticle assembly and polymer interfacial gradients in nanocomposites studied by small-angle scatteringHAL A.-C. Genix, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the 40th year celebration of the Rubber Technology Centre, IIT Kharagpur., Kharagpur (India, online meeting), India
Drying beads of colloidal gelHAL M. Milani, L. Ramos, L. Cipelletti, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the GDR SLAMM, Biarritz (France), France
Some Aspects of Nanoparticle Assembly andPolymer Dynamics in Rubber SystemsHAL D. Musino, A.-C. Genix, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Softcomp EUSMI Annual Meeting 2021, Online meeting, France
Some Aspects of Nanoparticle Assembly and Polymer Dynamics in Rubber Systems.HAL D. Musino, J. Oberdisse, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the 199th Technical Meeting, Rubber Division, ACS, Virtual Conference Online, United States
Fishing for polymer and nanoparticles in nanocomposites using SANS, SAXS, and simulations.HAL J. Oberdisse, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the JDN 2021, Online, France
Food as complex soft matter physics systems - Is gluten a polymer gel like any others? A journey into the complexity of wheat proteins?HAL L. Ramos, Paper presented at the 1st International Seminar on Soft Matter & Food: 1st Polish-Slovenian Edition. Physico-Chemical models and Socio-Economical aspects., Lasek (et on-line), Poland
Strategies for a better control of the properties of functional ordered mesoporous hybrid nanomaterialsHAL J. Richard, A. Phimphachanh, E. Molina, M. Mathonnat, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, N. Marcotte, M. In, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the 17èmes journées de la matière condensée, Rennes, France
The yielding transition of soft glassesHAL D. Truzzolillo, Paper presented at the 11th Liquid Matter Conference 2021, Visio Conférence, Czech Republic
The Double-Faced Electrostatic Behavior of PNIPAm MicrogelsHAL D. Truzzolillo, Paper presented at the New Challenges in Polyelectrolyte Science - NAPS workshop 2021, Visio Conférence, France
Nanomaterials in solutions: colloidal synthesis and characterizationsHAL C. Blanc, Paper presented at the ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL NANOMATERIALS SCHOOL YACHAY TECH 2020, Yachay, Ecuador
Microplastiques : d’une pollution invisible à un défi planétaireHAL P. Fabre, Paper presented at the Conférence au Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal (Bordeaux), Bordeaux, France
Filler structure and interfacial properties in polymer nanocomposites.HAL A.-C. Genix, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Symposium on Polymer Nanocomposites, DPOLY APS, Virtual Conference Online, United States
How much information is in my scattering data? Some recent approaches to the structure of microgels, polymers and nanoparticlesHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the MZL User Meeting, Munich (online), Germany
Diffusion de rayonnementHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Journée en ligne du GDR SLAMM, En ligne, France
Propriétés des mélanges binaires d’un nématique twist-bend (CB7CB) et de smectogènesHAL A. Aouini, C. Blanc, I. Dozov, E. Chauveau, T. Phou, P. Dieudonne-George, D. Stoenescu, and M. Nobili, Paper presented at the 19eme Colloque Francophone sur les cristaux liquides (CFCL2019), Sète, France
Influence of anchoring conditions on the stripe patterns of the NTB phaseHAL A. Aouini, M. Nobili, I. Dozov, D. Stoenescu, and C. Blanc, Paper presented at the 15th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, Wroclaw, Poland
Interfacial behavior of plant proteinsHAL A. Banc, A. Poirier, A. Stocco, M. In, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Edible Soft Matter, Le Mans, France
Tackling the question of specific interactions in a complex blend of proteins: the gluten caseHAL A. Banc, J. Pincemaille, F. Violleau, P. Menut, L. Ramos, and M. H. Morel, Paper presented at the International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, Zurich, Switzerland
Hard and soft proteins at fluid interfacesHAL A. Banc, A. Poirier, A. Stocco, M. In, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the GDR SLAMM, Roscoff, France
Dégradation des plastiques par les bactéries marines.HAL J. Cheng, J. Jacquin, C. Pandin, C. Odobel, P. Catala, D. Pecqueur, C. Salmeron, M. Pujo-Pay, P. Conan, B. Eyheraguibel, A.-M. Delort, V. Barbe, J. Hoypierres, G. Deligey, S. Bruzaud, P. Fabre, M. George, J.-F. Ghiglione, and A.-L. Meistertzheim, Paper presented at the Premières Rencontres du GDR Polymères et Océans, Créteil, France
Yielding of Soft ColloidsHAL L. Cipelletti, S. Aime, D. Truzzolillo, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the XV International Workshop on Complex Systems, Andalo, Italy
Why soft solids failHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the 5th International Soft Matter Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
A geometric model for the erosion and fragmentation of polymers in the oceanHAL P. Fabre, T. Gaillard, F. Nallet, M. Salomez, E. Gastaldi, and M. George, Paper presented at the 5TH INTERNATIONAL SOFT MATTER CONFERENCE (ISMC2019), Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Fate of polymers in the environment : mechanisms and kinetics of degradationHAL P. Fabre, T. Gaillard, F. Nallet, M. Salomez, E. Gastaldi, and M. George, Paper presented at the Colloque franco-americain sur les plastiques, Le Mans, France
Biodegradation performance of PHBV and PBSA: What makes the differenceHAL E. Gastaldi, C. Guy, P. Fabre, M. George, and A. Lajarrige, Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Biobased and Biodegradable Polymers (BIOPOL-2019), Stockholm, Sweden
Structure and dynamics of polymer nanocompositesby X-ray and neutron scattering techniques.HAL A.-C. Genix, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the French-German opportunities of cooperation to face the European revolution in neutron science, MLZ, TUM Campus Garching, Germany
Structure of adsorbed layers and of chains in polymer nanocompositesHAL A.-C. Genix, V. Bocharova, J. Oberdisse, and A. Sokolov, Paper presented at the European Conference on Neutron Scattering (ECNS 2019), Saint Petersburg, Russia
New Insights For The Fragmentation Of Plastics Into Microplastics In The OceanHAL M. George, T. Gaillard, F. Nallet, E. Gastaldi, and P. Fabre, Paper presented at the BIOPOL 2019, Stokholm, Sweden
Erosion and Fragmentation of semi-crystalline polymers. Release of microplastics in the oceanHAL M. George, T. Gaillard, P. Fabre, E. Gastaldi, M. Salomez, and F. Nallet, Paper presented at the Conférence au Laboratoire MSC, Université Paris Diderot (Paris), Paris, France
Erosion and Fragmentation of semi-crystalline polymers. Release of microplastics in the oceanHAL M. George, T. Gaillard, P. Fabre, E. Gastaldi, M. Salomez, and F. Nallet, Paper presented at the Conférence à l'Université de Tel Aviv (Israel), Tel Aviv, Israel
Polymer-functionalized mesoporous silica: benefits from polyion complex micelle templatingHAL C. Gerardin, J. Richard, A. Phimphachanh, S. Harrisson, M. Destarac, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, M. In, and N. Marcotte, Paper presented at the International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, Sitges, Spain
Microrhéologies du cromoglycate de sodium, un cristal liquide chromonique.HAL A. Habibi, C. Blanc, N. B. Mbarek, and T. Soltani, Paper presented at the 54ème Congrès du GFR, Montpellier, France
Passive and active microrheology of a lyotropic chromonic nematic liquid crystal disodium cromoglycateHAL A. Habibi, C. Blanc, N. B. Mbarek, and T. Soltani, Paper presented at the 19eme Colloque Francophone sur les cristaux liquides (CFCL2019), Sete, France
Breaking the grains : Fragmentation of a cemented granular bio-materialHAL K. Heinze, X. Frank, V. Lullien-Pellerin, M. George, F. Radjai, and J.-Y. Delenne, Paper presented at the Joint GeoMech-M2UN Workshop on Upscaling for Strategic Materials, Montpellier, France
Comportement lyotrope de complexes de polyélectrolytes et leur rôle comme agents structurants de matériaux hybrides poreuxHALPDF M. Mathonnat, A. Phimphachanh, P. Dieudonne-George, M. In, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, N. Marcotte, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the 19e colloque sur les systèmes anisotropes auto-organisés (CFLC 2019), Sète (34200), France
Controlled polymer-inorganic assembly process for the preparation of functional mesoporous hybrid nanomaterialsHAL E. Molina, M. Mathonnat, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, M. In, N. Marcotte, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the 4th International Conference Nanomaterials and Applications - NANOAPP2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Functional porous hybrid nanomaterials engineered by controlled polymer / inorganic cooperative assemblyHAL E. Molina, M. Mathonnat, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, N. Marcotte, M. In, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the 6th Nano Today Conference, Lisbon (Portugal), Portugal
Introduction to the determination of nanostructures by small-angle scatteringHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Dodynet advanced module (DSM), Kasteel Vaalsbroek, Netherlands
Effect of Molecular Crowding on Conformation and Interactions of Single-Chain NanoparticlesHAL J. Oberdisse, J. Colmenero, and A. Arbe, Paper presented at the ECIS 2019 (European colloid and interface society), Leuven, Belgium
Polymer-functionalized mesoporous materials : design and propertiesHAL J. Richard, A. Phimphachanh, E. Molina, M. In, N. Marcotte, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the SFNano -- C’Nano Joint Meeting 2019, Dijon, France
Nanoporous silica containing polymers: a sustainable process to control functions, size and structureHAL J. Richard, A. Phimphachanh, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, M. In, N. Marcotte, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the 6th Nano Today Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
Texturation des huiles végétales par des composés phénoliquesHAL H. Suarez, M. Pierre, A. Pommella, E. Chauveau, P. Dieudonne-George, and M. In, Paper presented at the GDR SLAMM, Roscoff (29680), France
unknown year
Ordering, Instabilities and Textures in Graphene BasedLiquid Crystalline phasesHAL C. Zamora-Ledezma, H. Jeridi, T. Phou, E. Anglaret, and C. Blanc,
Impact of elastic beads and liquid drops on repellent surface :a unified descriptionHAL S. Arora, J.-M. Fromental, S. Mora, T. Phou, L. Ramos, and C. Ligoure,
Nanoscale reversibility and non-linear effects in polymer nanocomposites under strain cyclesHAL A. Banc, A. M. Philippe, E. Chauveau, J. Oberdisse, L. Cipelletti, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the GDR SLAMM, Hyères, France
Improved 3D Imaging of Zebrafish Larvae Microcirculation by Digital HolographyHALPDF A. Brodoline, N. Rawat, D. Alexandre, and M. Gross, Paper presented at the Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, Orlando, United States, DW5F.5
Imagerie 4D de la circulation sanguine chez la larve du poisson-zèbre par holographie numérique en illumination multipleHALPDF A. Brodoline, N. Rawat, D. Alexandre, N. Cubedo, and M. Gross, Paper presented at the HOLOPHI5: 5ème rencontre francophone d’holographie numérique appliquée à la métrologie des fluides, Montpellier, France
Microscopic dynamics and failure precursors of a gel under mechanical loadHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Non-linear Mechanics and Rheology of Dense Suspensions: Nanoscale Structure to Macroscopic Behavior, Santa Barbara, United States
The unjamming transition of soft colloidsHAL L. Cipelletti, S. Aime, D. Truzzolillo, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Réunion GdR Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquée,, Marseille, France
Microscopic dynamics and failure precursors during the creep of a colloidal gelHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the APS March meeting, Los Angeles, United States
I.: Static Light Scattering. II.: Gels & GlassesHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the 14th European Summer School on "Scattering methods applied to soft condensed matter", Bombannes, France
The glass transition in soft matter: does softness matter?HAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Cours de haut niveau de l’Institut de Physique de Rennes, Rennes, France
The yielding transition of soft colloidsHAL L. Cipelletti, S. Aime, D. Truzzolillo, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Final Meeting Colldense 2018, Heraklion, Greece
Properties and internal structure of thermoresponsive acrylamide based core-shell microgelsHAL M. Cors, O. Wrede, J. Oberdisse, and T. Hellweg, Paper presented at the DPG Fruehjahrstagung Berlin (Smart Hydrogels and Hydrogel Based Devices II), Berlin, Germany
Properties and internal structure of thermoresponsive acrylamide based core-shell microgelsHAL M. Cors, O. Wrede, L. Wiehemeier, J. Oberdisse, and T. Hellweg, Paper presented at the 14th Bombannes summer school, Carcan-Maubuisson, France
Microplastiques : d’une pollution invisible à un défi planétaireHAL P. Fabre, Paper presented at the Conférence au Ministère de la Transition Ecologique, Paris, France
Dégradation marine et enzymatique d’un polymère biodégradable: l’acide polylactiqueHAL T. Gaillard, M. George, and P. Fabre, Paper presented at the Polymère et Océans 2018, Montpellier, France
Tuning local nanoparticle arrangements and dynamical properties in polymer nanocomposites by grafting of small moleculesHAL A.-C. Genix, D. Musino, V. Bocharova, A. Sokolov, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the 255th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), New Orleans, LA, United States, 255, 50
Roughness of oxide glass sub-critical fracture surfaces.HAL M. George, G. Pallares, F. Lechenault, and M. Ciccotti, Paper presented at the Workshop :Emergence of surface and interface structure from friction, fracture and deformation, Lausanne, Switzerland
Micellization of DHBC by electrostatic complexationHAL M. In, M. Mathonnat, A. Phimphachanh, P. Dieudonne-George, J. Richard, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, N. Marcotte, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the Réunion plénière GDR SLAMM, Hyères, France
TEMPLATING MESOPOROUS MATERIALS BY POLYELECTROLYTE MICELLES : THE ROLE OF WATERHAL M. In, M. Mathonnat, A. Phimphachanh, J. Richard, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, N. Marcotte, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the Bordeaux Polymer Conference 2018, Bordeaux, France
Polymer-functionalized mesoporous silica materials: a rational design using functional structuring agentsHAL M. In, J. Richard, E. Molina, M. Mathonnat, A. Phimphachanh, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, N. Marcotte, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the Conférence Balard 2018, Montpellier, France
Graphene Oxide/Nanoparticles Composite Thin LayersHAL H. Jeridi, C. Zamora-Ledezma, E. Anglaret, and C. Blanc, Paper presented at the Graphene & Co GDR-i 2018 Annual Meeting, Sete, France
Biophysical approach of the mucociliary function: Mucus rheology and beating coordinationHAL M. Jory, K. Bellouma, C. Blanc, A. Fort, C. Vernisse, L. Casanellas Vilageliu, I. Vachier, A. Bourdin, and G. Massiera, Paper presented at the GRISBI meeting ''Biophysics: Today and Beyond'', Montpellier, France
Biophysical approach of the mucociliary function: Mucus rheology and beating coordinationHAL M. Jory, K. Bellouma, C. Blanc, A. Fort, C. Vernisse, I. Vachier, L. Casanellas Vilageliu, A. Bourdin, and G. Massiera, Paper presented at the Workshop ''From Active Matter to Complex Fluids'', Nice, France
Mucus rheology and cilia beating coordinationHAL M. Jory, C. Blanc, K. Bellouma, A. Fort, I. Vachier, A. Bourdin, L. Casanellas Vilageliu, and G. Massiera, Paper presented at the GDR CellTiss 2018 in Honor of Françoise Brochard Wyart, La Chapelle-Gauthier, France
Lyotropic behavior of polyelectrolyte complex micellesHAL M. Mathonnat, A. Phimphachanh, P. Dieudonne-George, M. In, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, N. Marcotte, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the APS March Meeting 2018, Los Angeles, United States
Aggregate formation of surface-modofoed nanoparticles in solvent and polymer nanocompositesHAL D. Musino, A.-C. Genix, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the International Conference on Self-Assembly of Colloidal Systems (SACS 18), Bordeaux, France
Microparticles hydrodynamics close to an Air-Water InterfaceHAL M. Nobili, S. Villa, C. Blanc, and A. Stocco, Paper presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta, United States
Physics of macromolecular systemsHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Thermodynamics and energetics of soft matter systems, Grenoble, France
Scattering from self-assembled structures: micelles, bilayers and aggregatesHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Bombannes summer school on scattering methods applied to soft condensed matter, Carcan-Maubuisson, France
Scattering from self-assembled structures: microemulsions and liquid crystalsHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Bombannes summer school on scattering methods applied to soft condensed matter, Carcan-Maubuisson, France
A general introduction to the physics (and some chemistry) of surfaces and interfacesHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the European School on Surface and Nuclear Sciences, Porquerolles, France
Aggregate formation of surface-modified nanoparticles in solvents and polymer nanocompositesHAL J. Oberdisse, D. Musino, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the 5th Sino-French Bilateral Workshop on Macromolecules and Soft Matter, Wuhan, China
The glass transition of soft ColloidsHAL A. M. Philippe, D. Truzzolillo, J. Galvan-Myoshi, P. Dieudonne-George, V. Trappe, L. Berthier, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Annual European Rheology Conference - AERC 2018, Sorrento, Italy
Micellisation électrostatique de copolymères à blocs double-hydrophilesHAL A. Phimphachanh, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, J. Pinaud, S. Harrisson, M. Destarac, M. In, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the 15èmes journées scientifiques de la section Méditerranée du Groupe Français des Polymères, Montpellier, France
Interfacial behavior of plant based proteinsHAL A. Poirier, A. Banc, A. Stocco, M. In, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Food colloids 2018, Leeds, United Kingdom
Interfacial behavior of plant based proteinsHAL A. Poirier, A. Banc, A. Stocco, M. In, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Physics for Food Manufacturing, Edimbourg, United Kingdom
Adsorption and structure of wheat proteins film at the air-water interfaceHAL A. Poirier, A. Banc, A. Stocco, M. In, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the 3rd Food Structure Functionality Forum Symposium, Montreal, Canada
Overcharging and reentrant condensation of thermoresponsive ionic microgelsHAL D. Truzzolillo, S. Sennato, S. Sarti, S. Casciardi, C. Bazzoni, and F. Bordi, Paper presented at the SoftComp Workshop - Functional Polymers, San Sebastian, Spain
Orientations and periodic textures in graphene liquid crystalsHAL C. Zamora-Ledezma, H. Jeridi, E. Anglaret, and C. Blanc, Paper presented at the 27th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018), kyoto, Japan
Impact of solid and liquid balls on a solid surface: an unified descriptionHAL S. Arora, J.-M. Fromental, S. Mora, T. Phou, L. Ramos, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the APS March meeting 2017, La Nouvelle-Orléans, United States
Brittel facture of Polymer NetworksHAL S. Arora, A. Shaabir, O. Hassager, C. Ligoure, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Suponlen Final Conference: Structureanddynamicsof associatingpolymersandsupramolecular assem, Heraklion, Greece
Brittle fracture of Polymer transient networksHAL S. Arora, A. Shaabir, O. Hassager, L. Ramos, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the 52ème congrès du Groupe Français de Rhéologie, Nice, France
Structuration de nano-composites à l'aide de fluides complexesHAL C. Blanc, Paper presented at the 4eme Atelier du GDRI-NMC France Canada, Montréal, Canada
4D digital holographic microscopyHALPDF A. Brodoline, D. Alexandre, and M. Gross, Paper presented at the European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO), Munich, Germany, JSII\_1\_5
Microscopic dynamics in polymer systems under tensile stressHAL L. Cipelletti, and M. Y. Nagazi, Paper presented at the French-Indian meeting on plasticity and rheology in amorphous solids, in connection with glassy dyna, Grenoble, France
The glass transition of soft colloidsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the 8th IDMRCS, Wisla, Poland
Failure precursors in the dynamics of a colloidal gel under creepHAL L. Cipelletti, S. Aime, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Rheology of Gel Networks, Lyon, France
Failure precursors in the dynamics of a colloidal gel under creepHAL L. Cipelletti, S. Aime, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Réunion GdR Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquée, Fréjus, France
Linear thermoresponsive acrylamid based microgels adsorbed on a surfaceHAL M. Cors, T. Hellweg, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the DPG Fruehjahrstagung Dresden (Hydrogels and microgels), Dresden, Germany
Core-Shell Microgels with Linear Thermo-Response as Smart Surface CoatingHAL M. Cors, J. Oberdisse, and T. Hellweg, Paper presented at the 13th Zsigmondy Colloquium o fthe German Colloid Society, Saarbrücken, Germany
Fate of polymers in the ocean : biodegradation versus fragmentationHAL P. Fabre, T. Gaillard, M. George, E. Gastaldi, J. F. Ghiglione, and C. Dussud, Paper presented at the Softcomp Annual Meeting 2017, Venise, Italy
Les plastiques se biodégradent-ils en mer ?HAL T. Gaillard, M. George, E. Gastaldi, J. F. Ghiglione, C. Dussud, M. Salomez, and P. Fabre, Paper presented at the 6èmes journées scientifiques du LabeX NUMEV, Montpellier, France
Filler structure and segmental dynamics in polymernanocompositesHAL A.-C. Genix, D. Musino, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique 2017, Carry le Rouet, France
Neutron scattering on polymer nanocompositesHAL A.-C. Genix, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the HBS science case workshop, Unkel, Germany
Estimation of local density in nanoparticle assemblies by correlation hole analysisHAL A.-C. Genix, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Eurofillers Polymer Blends 2017, Hersonissos, Greece
Numerical modeling of the tensile strength of a biological granular aggregate: Effect of the particle size distributionHALPDF K. Heinze, X. Frank, V. Lullien-Pellerin, M. George, F. Radjai, and J.-Y. Delenne, Paper presented at the International workshop on Powders and Grains, Montpellier, France, 140
Quantification of the Effect of Surface Slope on Mechanical Measurements by Contact-Resonance AFMHALPDF K. Heinze, O. Arnould, J.-Y. Delenne, V. Lullien-Pellerin, M. Ramonda, and M. George, Paper presented at the Forum des Microscopies à Sonde Locale, Juvignac, France
Particules colloïdales confinées dans des films libres nématiques : nature des interactionsHAL H. Jeridi, T. Ohtman, and C. Blanc, Paper presented at the 18e Colloque sur les systèmes anisotropes auto-organisés, Lyon, France
Biophysical approach of the mucociliary function: Mucus rheology and beating coordinationHAL M. Jory, K. Bellouma, C. Blanc, A. Fort, I. Vachier, L. Casanellas Vilageliu, A. Bourdin, and G. Massiera, Paper presented at the Workshop "Bio-mechanics of living systems from cells to organisms", Oslo, Norway
Rhéologie du mucus à partir d'un modèle d'épithélium bronchique HumainHAL M. Jory, C. Blanc, A. Fort, D. Donnarumma, L. Casanellas Vilageliu, I. Vachier, A. Bourdin, and G. Massiera, Paper presented at the 18ème colloque français des jeunes chercheurs pour Vaincre la Mucoviscidose, Paris, France
Structure of chains and filler in polymer nanocomposites: impact of small beads and small moleculesHAL J. Oberdisse, D. Musino, A. Banc, G. P. Baeza, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the 8th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems (8IDMRCS), Wisla, Poland
Small-angle scattering analysis of the structure of chains and filler in polymer nanocompositesHAL J. Oberdisse, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the ACS rubber division meeting, Beechwood (Ohio), United States
Chain structure of polymer nanocomposites using small-angle neutron scatteringHAL J. Oberdisse, A. Banc, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the Deuteration for Neutron Scattering -- DEUNET Workshop, Oxford, United Kingdom
Synthesis of stimuli-responsive double hydrophilic block copolymers by ATRP and RAFT and their use as nanostructure-directing agents of mesoporous silica materialsHAL A. Phimphachanh, E. Molina, M. Mathonnat, M. Bathfield, J. Reboul, J. Richard, N. Marcotte, J. Pinaud, J. Chamieh, L. Leclercq, H. Cottet, S. Harrisson, M. Destarac, P. Dieudonne-George, M. In, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the 254th ACS National Meeting, Washington, United States, 2719554
Micellisation électrostatique de copolymères à blocs double-hydrophilesHAL A. Phimphachanh, M. Mathonnat, J. Pinaud, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, M. Destarac, H. Cottet, J. Chamieh, L. Leclercq, N. Marcotte, M. In, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the 45èmes journées d'études des polymères, Gravelines, France
Electrostatic micellization of double-hydrophilic block copolymersHAL A. Phimphachanh, M. Mathonnat, J. Pinaud, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, M. Destarac, H. Cottet, N. Marcotte, C. Gerardin, and M. In, Paper presented at the European Polymer Federation Congress, Lyon, France
Interactions and assemblies of wheat proteinsHAL J. Pincemaille, A. Banc, P. Menut, M.-H. Morel, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Soft Comp Annual Meeting, Venise, Italy
Gliadins at the air/water interfaceHAL A. Poirier, A. Banc, A. Stocco, M. In, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the European Student Colloid Conference, Florence, Italy
Impact of Drops and Beads of GelHAL L. Ramos, Paper presented at the The Annual European Rheology Conference, Copenhague, Denmark
Etudes Raman d’encres de nanotubeset de graphene monofeuilletsHAL F. Torres-Canas, G. Bepete, C. Zamora-Ledezma, C. Blanc, C. Drummond, A. Pénicaud, and E. Anglaret, Paper presented at the Colloque Annuel de la Société Francophone d’Etude des Carbones, Saint Pierre d'Oléron, France
Non-equilibrium interfacial tension in simple and complex fluidsHAL D. Truzzolillo, S. Mora, C. Dupas, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Soft matter at interfaces 2017, Ringberg Castle, Germany
Large scale conductive films and patterns based on carbon nanotubes and graphene liquid crystalsHAL C. Zamora-Ledezma, F. Torres-Canas, C. Zakri, C. Blanc, P. Poulin, and E. Anglaret, Paper presented at the NT17:18th International conference on the science and application of nanotubes, BELO HORIZONTE, Brazil
Small angle neutron scattering contrast variationreveals heterogeneities of interactions in proteingelsHAL A. Banc, C. Charbonneau, M.-H. Morel, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the SoftComp Annual Meeting 2016, Ancone, Italy
4D holographic reconstruction of embryonic blood flow by greedy algorithmHALPDF A. Brodoline, D. Donnarumma, D. Alexandre, and M. Gross, Paper presented at the Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging 2016, Heidelberg, Germany, DTh1E.1
Mechanical behavior of wheat endosperm. Local measurements by AFM and numerical modelingHAL E. Chichti, J.-Y. Delenne, V. Lullien-Pellerin, and M. George, Paper presented at the 5ème journées scientifiques du LabEx Numev, Montpellier, France
Microscopic dynamics of polymer samples under tensile stressHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Nonlinear Response in Complex Matter, Primo\v sten, Croatia
Microscopic dynamics and macroscopic rheology in a semi-crystalline polymerHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling, Dijon, France
Rheology, microscopic dynamics and material failure in the creep of a colloidal gelHAL L. Cipelletti, L. Ramos, and S. Aime, Paper presented at the Colloidal, Macromolecular & Biological Gels: Formulation, Properties & Applications, Schloss Hernstein, Austria
Recent progress in polymer and filler structure in nanocompositesHAL A.-C. Genix, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the 3rd International workshop on soft condensed matter physics and biological systems, Fes, Morocco
Contrast matching gone wrong? Nanocomposites seen by SANSHAL A.-C. Genix, A. Banc, G. Baeza, R. Schweins, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the 4th International Soft Matter Conference -- ISMC 2016, Grenoble, France
Aggregation dynamics of elongated particles confined atliquid surfaces or in nematic phases, a numerical modeldevelopmentHAL K. Gillemot, and C. Blanc, Paper presented at the IC1208 COST MEETING, Vilnius, Lithuania
The Wheat Grain as a cemented granular material: Nanoscale investigation of its mechanical propertiesHAL K. Heinze, J.-Y. Delenne, M. George, and V. Lullien-Pellerin, Paper presented at the 3. International Conference on Structural Nano Composites (NANOSTRUC 2016), Aberdeen, United Kingdom, n
Colloidal particles embedded in thin nematic liquid crystal filmsHAL H. Jeridi, M. A. Gharbi, T. Othman, and C. Blanc, Paper presented at the ECIS 2016 : 30th Conference of the European Colloid and interface Society, Rome, France
Particles at Nematic Liquid Crystal InterfacesHAL H. Jeridi, M. A. Gharbi, T. Ohtman, and C. Blanc, Paper presented at the IC1208 COST MEETING, Vilnius, Lithuania
Biophysical approach of the mucociliary function: Mucus rheology and beating coordinationHAL M. Jory, D. Donnarumma, C. Blanc, L. Casanellas Vilageliu, A. Fort, I. Vachier, A. Bourdin, and G. Massiera, Paper presented at the Softcomp annual meeting, Venice, Italy
Continuous Droplet Interface Crossing Encapsulation (cDICE): artificial cells and capsulesHAL E. Loiseau, C. Claudet, M. In, M. Abkarian, and G. Massiera, Paper presented at the EMN (International Conference on Energy Materials and Nanotechnology) Meeting onDroplets, San Sebastian, Spain
Continuous Droplet Interface Crossing Encapsulation (cDICE): artificial cells and capsulesHAL E. Loiseau, C. Claudet, M. In, T. Phou, J.-M. Fromental, T. Lopez-Leon, A. Rademacher, C. Godefroy, P.-E. Milhet, M. Abkarian, and G. Massiera, Paper presented at the ECIS (European Colloid and Interface society) meeting, Rome, Italy
PIC micelles as versatile structuring agentsHAL M. Mathonnat, E. Molina, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, N. Marcotte, M. In, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the Balard Chemistry Conference 2016 : Prospects in Porous Materials, Montpellier, France
Tuning the structure of polymer nanocomposites by grafting small molecules or long chains on filler particlesHAL J. Oberdisse, C. Schmitt-Pauly, G. P. Baeza, A.-C. Genix, J. Jestin, J. G. Alauzun, and P. H. Mutin, Paper presented at the Bunsen discussion meeting on 'Neutrons in chemistry', Bielefeld, Germany
Introduction to small-angle scattering applied to polymer nanocomposites: filler nanoparticles, aggregates, and polymer chainsHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Bad Honnef Physics School 2016 on Self-assembly in soft matter and biosystems, Bad Honnef, Germany
Scattering from self-assembled structures: microemulsions and liquid crystalsHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Bombannes summer school on scattering methods applied to soft condensed matter, Carcan-Maubuisson, France
Scattering from self-assembled structures: micelles, bilayers and aggregatesHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Bombannes summer school on scattering methods applied to soft condensed matter, Carcan-Maubuisson, France
Introduction to soft matter and scatteringHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the French-Swedish School in Neutron Scattering: Applications for Soft Matter, Uppsala, Sweden
Contrast-matching gone wrong? A study of polymer conformation in nanocompositesHAL J. Oberdisse, A. Banc, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the 24e Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique, JDN24, Carqueirane, France
Interactions et assemblages de prolamines de bléHAL J. Pincemaille, A. Banc, P. Menut, M. H. Morel, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Rencontres du GDR AMC2 2016, Banyuls, France
Microscopic dynamics during the creep of a colloidal gelHAL L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Statistical Physics of Materials, StatPhys Sattelite meetings, Aussois, France
Plasticity and onset of yielding of a soft colloidal gelHAL L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Plasticité 2016, poitiers, France
Wetting and orientation of catalytic Janus colloids at the surface of waterHAL A. Stocco, X. Wang, M. In, C. Blanc, P. Malgaretti, and M. Nobili, Paper presented at the Nanoparticles with Morphological and Functional Anisotropy: Faraday Discussion, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Brownian diffusion and active motion of partially wetted colloidsHAL A. Stocco, G. Boniello, X. Wang, M. Gross, M. In, C. Blanc, and M. Nobili, Paper presented at the 15èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée, Bordeaux, France
Off-equilibrium surface tension in driven colloidaland polymer suspensionsHAL D. Truzzolillo, L. Cipelletti, C. Dupas, and S. Mora, Paper presented at the Micromast, 1st International Conference on Multiscale Applications of Surface Tension, Brussels, Belgium
Off-equilibrium surface tension in driven colloidal and polymer suspensionsHAL D. Truzzolillo, L. Cipelletti, C. Dupas, and S. Mora, Paper presented at the XVIIth International Congress on Rheology - 2016, Kyoto, Japan
Bursting of dilute emulsion-based liquid sheets driven by a MarangonieffectHAL C. Vernay, L. Ramos, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the International Soft Matter Conference 2016, Grenoble, France
. Digital Holographic Microscopy With High Numerical Aperture: Wide z Range ReconstructionHALPDF N. Verrier, D. Donnarumma, D. Alexandre, G. Tessier, and M. Gross, Paper presented at the Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging 2016, Heidelberg, Germany
Ordering nanocarbons using Liquid Crystalline phasesHAL C. Zamora-Ledezma, C. Zakri, C. Blanc, E. Anglaret, and P. Poulin, Paper presented at the 4th International Soft Matter Conference, Grenoble, France
Holographic imaging of Zebrafish embryo blood flow with dually oriented illumination beamsHALPDF D. Alexandre, G. Lutfalla, and M. Gross, Paper presented at the Digital Holography & 3-D Imaging (DH) 2015, Shanghai, China, DTh2A.6
Polymeric assembly of gluten proteins in an aqueous ethanol solventHAL A. Banc, M. Dahesh, A. Duri, M.-H. Morel, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, Zurich, Switzerland, 245
Chain signal in nanolatex based nanocompositesHAL A. Banc, A.-C. Genix, C. Dupas, R. Schweins, M.-S. Appavou, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the SAS 2015, Berlin, Germany
SANS study of a gluten protein gel: Why are SAXS and SANS profiles diffrents?HAL A. Banc, C. Charbonneau, M. Dahesh, M.-H. Morel, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Matière Molle pour la Science des Aliments, Montpellier, France
SANS study of a gluten protein gel: Why are SAXS and SANS profiles different?HAL A. Banc, C. Charbonneau, M.-H. Morel, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the ECNS2015, Zaragoza, Spain
Nanomaterials and solutions: examples and scattering methods for characterizationHAL C. Blanc, Paper presented at the ENANO2015, Altos de Pipe, Venezuela
Micromechanisms of fracture propagation in glassy polymersHAL M. Ciccotti, M. George, Y. Nziakou, G. Fischer, A.-C. Genix, B. Bresson, and S. Roux, Paper presented at the Workshop: Chemical and Structural Transformations in Materials under Mechanical Load, Lausanne, Switzerland
Dynamique microscopique, viscosité et diffusion dans les suspensions colloïdales concentréesHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Réunion GdR Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquée, Balaruc, France
Off-equilibrium surface tension between miscible fluidsHAL L. Cipelletti, and D. Truzzolillo, Paper presented at the Workshop on Complex Systems, Milan, Italy
Microscopic dynamics of colloidal gels: from spontaneous anomalous relaxations to stress-induced creep and failure.HAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Arrested gels: dynamics, structure and applications, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Clustering patchy nano-particles through coordination chemistry and charge distribution modulationHAL C. Derot, M. Joubert, and M. In, Paper presented at the E-MRS 2015 Spring Meeting, Lille, France
Multi-scale filler structure and dynamics in simplified industrial nanocomposites combining SAXS and BDSHAL A.-C. Genix, G. Baeza, J. Oberdisse, M. Couty, and A. Alegria, Paper presented at the Eurofillers Polymer Blends 2015, Montpellier, France
Chain signal in nanolatex based nanocompositesHAL A.-C. Genix, A. Banc, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the ECNS2015, Zaragoza, Spain
Dipôles élastiques géants dans les films nématiquesHAL H. Jeridi, M. A. Gharbi, T. Ohtman, and C. Blanc, Paper presented at the 17e Colloque sur les systèmes anisotropes auto-organisés, Autrans, France
Electric-field induced twist-bend to splay-bend nematic phase transition?HAL C. Meyer, C. Blanc, G. Luckhurst, and I. Dozov, Paper presented at the The 13th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, Manchester, United Kingdom
Précurseurs microscopiques de fracture dans les solides amorphesHALPDF M. Y. Nagazi, L. Cipelletti, and G. Brambilla, Paper presented at the CFM 2015 - 22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Lyon, France
Contrast-matching gone wrong? A study of polymer conformation in nanocompositesHAL J. Oberdisse, C. Dupas, A.-C. Genix, and A. Banc, Paper presented at the JCNS Workshop 2015: Neutron Scattering on Nano-Structured Soft Matter, Tutzing, Germany
Recent progress in polymer and filler structure in polymer nanocompositesHAL J. Oberdisse, A. Banc, A.-C. Genix, and G. Baeza, Paper presented at the 3rd international conference on nanoscience, Brasilia, Brazil
Des petites billes (de silice) bien sages, coiffées et rangées: les nanocomposites vus par diffusion aux petits anglesHAL J. Oberdisse, A. Banc, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the 17ème Colloque sur les Systèmes Anisotropes Auto-organisés (CFCL 2015), Autrans, France
Contrast matching gone wrong? A study of chain conformation in polymer nanocomposites.HAL J. Oberdisse, C. Dupas, A. Banc, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the IV Sino-French Symposium on Polymers and Soft Matter, Strasbourg, France
Structure analysis by small-angle scattering of polymer nanocomposites: from model to industrial systemsHAL J. Oberdisse, G. Baeza, C. Dupas, A.-C. Genix, and A. Banc, Paper presented at the XXIII Congrès général de la SFP, minicolloque 'polymères', Strasbourg, France
Spontaneous gelation of wheat gluten proteins in a food grade solventHAL L. Ramos, M. Dahesh, A. Banc, A. Duri, and M.-H. Morel, Paper presented at the International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, Zurich, Switzerland, 245
Novel gels from gluten proteinsHAL L. Ramos, Paper presented at the 10th Annual European Rheology Conference, nantes, France
Non-linear rheology and fracture in polymer-based viscoelastic fluidsHAL L. Ramos, Paper presented at the 23ème Congrès Général de la Société Française de Physique, strasbourg, France
Novel gels from wheat gluten proteinsHAL L. Ramos, M. Dahesh, A. Banc, A. Duri, and M.-H. Morel, Paper presented at the Delivery of Functionality in Complex Food Systems, paris, France
Viscosity and Microscopic Dynamics in Concentrated Suspensions of Colloidal MicrogelsHAL V. Roger, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Viscous Liquids IV, Montpellier, France
Enhanced active motion of Janus Colloids at the water surfaceHAL A. Stocco, X. Wang, M. Nobili, C. Blanc, and M. In, Paper presented at the MICROSWIMMERS - FROM BULK TO INTERFACES, Bordeaux, France
Spectroscopic studies of aqueous inks of nanotubes and grapheneHAL F. Torres-Canas, C. Zamora-Ledezma, C. Blanc, G. Bepete, C. Drummond, A. Pénicaud, and E. Anglaret, Paper presented at the EUROMAT2015, Varsovie, Poland
Inkjet printing of singlewalled carbon nanotubes-based inksHAL F. Torres-Canas, C. Zamora-Ledezma, C. Blanc, and E. Anglaret, Paper presented at the NanoCuba, La Havane, Cuba
Optical spectroscopic studies of dispersion and processing of aqueous inks of single-wall carbon nanotubesHAL F. J. Torres-Canas, C. Blanc, C. Zamora-Ledezma, P. Silva, and E. Anglaret, Paper presented at the GDR-I Graphene and Nanotubes, 2015 Annual Meeting, Aussois, France
Off-equilibrium surface tension in colloidal and polymer suspensionsHAL D. Truzzolillo, C. Dupas, S. Mora, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the European Colloid and Interface Society conference - ECIS 2015, Bordeaux, France
Role of dilute oil-in-water emulsions in the destabilization mechanisms of liquid sheetHAL C. Vernay, L. Ramos, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the 29th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, Bordeaux, France
PERFORATION OF A FREE RADIALLY EXPANDING LIQUID SHEET OF A DILUTE O/W EMULSION IN AIRHAL C. Vernay, L. Ramos, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the AERC 2015, 10th annual european Rheology conference, Nantes, France
Enhanced active motion of Janus Colloids at the water surfaceHAL X. Wang, M. In, C. Blanc, M. Nobili, and A. Stocco, Paper presented at the 23e Congres general de la Societe Francaise de Physique, Strasbourg, France
Probing nanocomposites structure via Broadband Dielectric SpectroscopyHAL G. Baeza, A.-C. Genix, M. Couty, A. Alegria, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the SoftComp/ESMI annual meeting, Heraklion, Greece
Structure and rheology of model nanocompositesHAL A. Banc, A.-C. Genix, C. Dupas, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Ecole thématique du labex Chemisyst 2014, France
Auto-assemblage et hydrolyse-condensation de copolymères à blocs silylés : vers l'obtention de nouveaux matériaux hybridesHAL E. Beyou, C. G. Gamys, E. Bourgeat-Lami, L. David, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Séminaire Institut Préparatoire aux Etudes d'Ingénieurs de Monastir, Monastir, Tunisia
Behavior of particles trapped on liquid crystal interfacesHAL C. Blanc, Paper presented at the Organization and Dynamics of colloids at liquid surfaces and interfaces, Lyon, France
Brownian motion of a partially wetted colloid.HAL G. Boniello, A. Stocco, M. Gross, M. In, C. Blanc, and M. Nobili, Paper presented at the 9th Liquid Matter Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
Brownian motion of spherical colloidal particles at the air-water interfaceHAL G. Boniello, A. Stocco, M. Gross, M. In, C. Blanc, and M. Nobili, Paper presented at the SoftComp & ESMI Annual Meeting, Heraklion, Greece
Mise en place d'un dispositif microfluidique pour la caractérisation in-situ de la structure et des propriétés rhéologiques de gels de peptides modèles issus du gluten présentant des propriétés élastomériquesHALPDF C. Charbonneau, A. Banc, L. Ramos, M. H. Morel, D. Laux, J. Leng, and J.-B. Salmon, Paper presented at the 3. Journée Scientifique Labex Numev, Montpellier, France, n
Multi-scale approach for understanding the link between Triticum aestivum grain texture and milling behaviour: Focus on the endosperm microstructure and local nano-mechanical propertiesHAL E. Chichti, M. George, J.-Y. Delenne, F. Radjai, and V. Lullien-Pellerin, Paper presented at the 8th European Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology, Quakenbrück, Germany
Numerical modeling of wheat fractionation : Role of starch volume fractionHAL E. Chichti, R. Affès, M. George, V. Lullien-Pellerin, F. Radjai, and J.-Y. Delenne, Paper presented at the International conference on Modeling Granular Media Across Scales, Montpellier, France
Off equilibrium surface tension between miscible fluidsHAL L. Cipelletti, and D. Truzzolillo, Paper presented at the Journées de la fédération Matière Molle de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
Investigation of electro-optical properties of gold colloidal suspensions.HALPDF D. Coursault, C. Blanc, I. Dozov, M. Nobili, D. Maurin, J.-L. Bantignies, A. Robert, L.-M. Lacroix, and G. Viau, Paper presented at the Condensed Matter in Paris 2014- CMD25- JMC14, Paris, France
Electric Birefringence and Electric Dichroism of Goethite Colloidal SuspensionsHAL D. Coursault, C. Blanc, M. Nobili, L. Dupont, P. Davidson, C. Chanéac, I. Dozov, and S. Abbas, Paper presented at the 25th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Dublin, Ireland
Novel gels from wheat gluten proteinsHAL M. Dahesh, A. Banc, A. Duri, M. H. M. H. Morel, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Laboratoire de physique, ENS Lyon, Lyon, France
Novels gels from wheat gluten proteinsHAL M. Dahesh, A. Banc, A. Duri-Bechemilh, M. H. Morel, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the 3. Journée scientifique du labex NUMEV (solutions numériques, matérielles et modélisation pour l’environnement et le vivant), Montpellier, France, n
Structuration and Rheological Properties of Gels made from Gluten ProteinsHALPDF M. Dahesh, A. Banc, A. Duri-Bechemilh, M. H. Morel, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the 9. Annual European Rheological Conference (AERC 2014), Karlsruhe, Germany, n
Novel gels from wheat gluten proteinsHAL M. Dahesh, A. Banc, A. Duri, M. H. M. H. Morel, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the School of chemistry and chemical engineering, Shandong university, Shandong, China
Structuration and rheological properties of gels made from gluten proteinsHAL M. Dahesh, A. Banc, A. Duri, M. H. M. H. Morel, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Laboratoire du futur, Bordeaux, France
Colloïdes dans des films minces de cristal liquide nématiqueHAL H. Jeridi, T. Othman, and C. Blanc, Paper presented at the Le 11eme Colloque National de la Recherche en Physique, Sousse, Tunisia
Small-angle scattering applied to microemulsions and liquid crystalsHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Bombannes summer school on scattering methods applied to soft condensed matter, Carcan-Maubuisson, France
Mechanisms of aggregate formation in highly-filled simplified industrial nanocompositesHAL J. Oberdisse, G. Baeza, A.-C. Genix, A. Alegría, and M. Couty, Paper presented at the Soft Matter Days, Bad Honnef, Germany
Voyage au cœur de la matière molle: nanoparticules, nanomédecine, et œnologieHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Les Mercredis de la Connaissance de l'Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls, Banyuls-sur-mer, France
Scattering from self-assembled structures: micelles, bilayers and aggregateHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Bombannes summer school on scattering methods applied to soft condensed matter, Carcan-Maubuisson, France
Dispersion of modified silica alumina nanoparticles in waterHAL J. Oberdisse, A.-C. Genix, C. Schmitt-Pauly, G. Guerrero, J. G. Alauzun, A. Banc, and P. H. Mutin, Paper presented at the 22e Journées de la diffusion neutronique (JDN22), Ile d'Oleron, France
Dispersion of modified silica alumina nanoparticles in waterHAL J. Oberdisse, C. Schmitt-Pauly, G. Guerrero, P. H. Mutin, A. Banc, J. G. Alauzun, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the GDR AMC2 Approches Multiphysiques pour les Colloïdes Concentrés, Carcan-Maubuisson, France
Dispersion and individualization of SWNT inhydrosoluble polymer solutionsHAL F. J. Torres-Canas, C. Zamora-Ledezma, C. Blanc, P. Silva, and E. Anglaret, Paper presented at the Matériaux 2014, Montpellier, France
Inkjet printing of orientated arrays of singlewallcarbon nanotubesHAL F. J. Torres-Canas, C. Zamora-Ledezma, C. Blanc, P. Silva, and E. Anglaret, Paper presented at the Matériaux 2014, Montpellier, France
Inkjet printing of orientated arrays of single-wall carbon nanotubesHAL F. J. Torres-Canas, C. Zamora-Ledezma, C. Blanc, and E. Anglaret, Paper presented at the Chemontubes 2014, Riva del Garda, Italy
Drop impact experiment as a model experiment to investigate the role of oil-in-water emulsion in controlling the drop size distribution of an agricultural sprayHAL C. Vernay, L. Ramos, J.-P. Douzals, R. Goyal, J.-C. Cataing, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the 26th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Breme, Germany
Drop impact experiment as a model experiment to investigate the role of oil-in-water emulsions in controlling the drop size distribution of an agricultural sprayHAL C. Vernay, L. Ramos, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, United States
Drop impact experiment as a model experiment to investigate the role of oil-in-water emulsion in controlling the drop size distribution of an agricultural sprayHAL C. Vernay, L. Ramos, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the CMD25-JMC14, Paris, France
Role of dilute oil-in-water emulsion in the destabilization mechanism of a liquid sheetHAL C. Vernay, L. Ramos, J.-P. Douzals, J.-C. Castaing, R. Goyal, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the SoftComp & ESMI Annual Meeting, Heraklion, Greece
IMAGERIE MULTIMODALE DU ZEBRAFISH PAR HOLOGRAPHIE NUMERIQUE LASER DOPPLERHALPDF N. Verrier, D. Alexandre, and M. Gross, Paper presented at the 3ème rencontre francophone d’holographie numérique appliquée à la métrologie des fluides, Ecully, France
Fish embryo multimodal imaging by laser Doppler digital holographyHALPDF N. Verrier, D. Alexandre, P. Picart, and M. Gross, Paper presented at the Signal Recovery and Synthesis, Seattle,, United States, OSA Technical Digest (online) 2014, aer JTu4A.7.
Nanocomposites pour l'industrie pneumatiques: Compréhension des relations Structure / PropriétésHAL G. Baeza, A.-C. Genix, M. Couty, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Journée des polyméristes languedociens, Montpellier, France
Combined study of structure and dynamics in simplified industrial nanocomposites silica/SBRHAL G. Baeza, A.-C. Genix, A. Alegria, M. Couty, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Annual ESMI/Softcomp meeting 2013, Rimini, France
Nanolatex based nanocomposites: control of the filler structure and reinforcementHAL A. Banc, C. Dupas, M. Chirat, A.-C. Genix, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Réunion GDR AMC2, Sète, France
Carbon nanotubes and liquid crystalsHAL C. Blanc, Paper presented at the COST Action IC1208 Integrating devices and materials: A challenge for new instrumentation in ICT, Madrid, Spain
Nanoparticles, colloids and liquid crystals.HAL C. Blanc, Paper presented at the Escuela de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología, Enano 2013, Choroni, Venezuela
Méthode de rayure AFM pour la mesure de propriétés mécaniques à petite échelleHAL E. Chichti, M. George, J.-Y. Delenne, F. Radjai, and V. Lullien-Pellerin, Paper presented at the Séminaire d’animation du programme AMMAC, Paris, France
Length scale dependent aging and plasticity of a colloidal polycrystal under oscillatory shearHAL L. Cipelletti, E. Tamborini, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Réunion GdR AMC2, Sete, France
Glassy dynamics of grain boundaries in a colloidal polycrystalHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Statistical Physics of Amorphous Solids: Understanding Smart Materials, Tel Aviv, Israel
Dynamics of colloidal gels and glasses under gravitational stressHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Physics of Complex Colloids, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Notions de base sur la diffusion de la lumière et application à l'étude des interactions entre diffuseursHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the 2ème ECOLE PRATIQUE D'ETE LABEX CHEMISYST - POLE CHIMIE BALARD, Alès, France
Structure and plasticity of a block copolymer-nanoparticle compositeHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Macromolecules in constrained environments, Les Houches, France
Rheology of model systems made from gluten proteins near the liquid-solid transitionHAL M. Dahesh, A. Banc, A. Duri, M.-H. Morel, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Annual ESMI/Softcomp meeting 2013, Rimini, Italy
Microémulsions non-uniformément chargéesHAL M. In, and C. Derot, Paper presented at the Club Emulsion 2013, Montpellier, France
Nanocomposites : structuration de renforts durs par des macromolécules mollesHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Ecole thématique 2013 du Labex Chemisyst, Alès, France
Structure of highly loaded simplified industrial nanocompositesHAL J. Oberdisse, G. Baeza, A.-C. Genix, and M. Couty, Paper presented at the GFP/BPG, Roubaix, France
Structure of highly charged simplified industrial nanocompositesHAL J. Oberdisse, G. P. Baeza, M. Couty, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the GDR AMC2 Approches Multiphysiques pour les Colloïdes Concentrés, Sète, France
Observation of chain structure in nanocompositesHAL J. Oberdisse, M. Tatou, and A.-C. Genix, Paper presented at the Journées Rossat-Mignot (JDN21), Sète, France
Structure and rheology of simplified industrial nanocompositesHAL J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the Nanostructured polymers and nanohybrids: towards properties and functions (Sino-French workshop), Shanghai, China
Viscosité et dynamique microscopique dans les suspensions colloïdales concentréesHAL V. Roger, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Reunion GdR Micropesanteur Fondamentale et Appliquee, France
Age-dependent plasticity in a colloidal polycrystalHAL E. Tamborini, L. Ramos, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Journées annuelles NEEDS - MILIEUX POREUX, Paris, France
Colloidal metallurgy: structure and mechanical properties of a model colloidal system as an analog of atomic polycrystalsHAL E. Tamborini, J. Oberdisse, L. Cipelletti, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Softcomp ESMI Annual Meeting, Rimini, Italy
Micro-mechanical experiments and modeling of wheat fractionationHAL E. Chichti, M. George, J.-Y. Delenne, F. Radjai, and V. Lullien-Pellerin, Paper presented at the 13èmes Journées de Matière Condensée (JMC13), Montpellier, France
Mesures des propriétés mécaniques locales par Microscopie à Force Atomique : Application aux constituants de l'albumen de bléHAL E. Chichti, M. George, J.-Y. Delenne, and V. Lullien-Pellerin, Paper presented at the Forum des microscopies à sonde locale, St Jacut de la Mer, France
Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy: sonder les propriétés de produits turbides par diffusion de la lumièreHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the 15 Journées de la Formulation, Bordeaux, France
Supradiffusive dynamics: from metallic glasses to actin networksHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Complex transport in strongly interacting systems, Munich, Germany
Sedimentation dans les melanges binaires de spheres dures colloidalesHAL L. Cipelletti, and V. Roger, Paper presented at the Réunion GdR MFA, Porticcio, France
Overview of time- and space resolved dynamic light scattering methodsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the TRC Workshop, Noordwijk, Netherlands
Aging and stress relaxation in an actin networkHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Aging of Engineering Materials: a Computational Approach to Durability and Sustainability, Zurich, Switzerland
Dispersion and alignment of individual Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes in a chromonic liquid crystalHAL N. Ould-Moussa, C. Blanc, C. Zamora-Ledezma, M. Maugey, P. Poulin, E. Anglaret, and M. Nobili, Paper presented at the Chemontubes, Arcachon, France
Atomic-Scale Relaxation Dynamics and Aging in a Metallic Glass Probed by X-Ray Photon Correlation SpectroscopyHAL B. Ruta, Y. Chushkin, G. Monaco, L. Cipelletti, V. Giordano, E. Pineda, and P. Bruna, Paper presented at the 4th International symposium on slow dynamics in complex systems, Sendai, Japan, 1518
Particules piégées aux interfaces de cristaux liquidesHAL C. Blanc, Paper presented at the CFCL2011, Rennes, France
Equilibrium concentration profiles and sedimentation kinetics of colloidal gels under gravitational stressHALPDF S. Buzzaccaro, E. Secchi, G. Brambilla, R. Piazza, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Eight Liquid Matter Conference, Vienna, Austria, 24 (28), 284103
COLLOIDS project: Current research and microgravity experimentsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the FOAM-C instrument utilisation meeting, Paris, France
The dynamics of supercooled and glassy hard spheresHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the XXIV Meeting on the Science and Technology of Complex Fluids, St Luis Potosi, Mexico
Sédimentation de gels colloïdauxHAL L. Cipelletti, G. Brambilla, S. Buzzaccaro, E. Secchi, and R. Piazza, Paper presented at the Réunion GdR Microgravité Fondamentale et Appliquée, Fréjus, France
Dynamics of glassy and jammed colloidal systemsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Mini-Workshop on Glasses Recent experimental results and perspectives, Lyon, France
Anomalous slow dynamics and internal stress relaxation in glassy and jammed systemsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the XXIV Meeting on the Science and Technology of Complex Fluids, St Luis Potosi, Mexico
Yielding in concentrated emulsions: a light microscopy investigationHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the MultiScale Modelling of Amorphous Materials: from Structure to Mechanical Properties, Ireland
Highly nonlinear dynamics in a slowly sedimenting colloidal gelHAL L. Cipelletti, G. Brambilla, S. Buzzaccaro, R. Piazza, and L. Berthier, Paper presented at the 8th Liquid Matter Conference, Vienne, Austria
Macroscopic sedimentation and microscopic dynamics in colloidal gels under gravitational stressHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the XXIV Meeting on the Science and Technology of Complex Fluids, Mexico
Dynamic heterogeneity in hard spheres and other jammed systemsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the XXIV Meeting on the Science and Technology of Complex Fluids, St Luis Potosi, Mexico
Interdiffusion de chaînes marquées dans des nanocomposites modèles silice-latexHAL A.-C. Genix, M. Tatou, and J. Oberdisse, Paper presented at the GFP2011, Pau, France
Behavior of colloidal particles trapped at liquid crystal interfacesHAL M. A. Gharbi, M. Nobili, T. Lopez-Leon, M. Abkarian, M. In, P. Galatola, J.-B. Fournier, and C. Blanc, Paper presented at the Conference europeenne des cristaux liquides, Slovenia
Self-confinement in self-made webHAL N. Ghofraniha, E. Tamborini, J. Oberdisse, L. Cipelletti, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the International Workshop on Rheology and Structural Design of Complex Fluids, Leuven, Belgium
Self-controlled confinement of nanoparticles in the web of grain boundaries of a colloidal polycrystalHAL N. Ghofraniha, E. Tamborini, J. Oberdisse, L. Cipelletti, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the 8th Liquid Matter Conference 2011, Vienne, Austria
Orientational quenched disorder in nematics: model and experimentsHAL M. Nobili, K. Slyusarenko, C. Blanc, and Y. Reznikov, Paper presented at the European Liquid Crystal Conference 2011, Maribor, Slovenia
Synthesis of poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) by RAFT polymerization and their utilization as structure directing agents for the preparation of functionalized mesoporous silicaHAL J. Reboul, T. Nugay, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, M. In, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the 242nd ACS National Meeting, Denver, United States, 52 (2), 717-718
Dynamic Heterogeneity and Relaxation Time Very Close to Dynamic ArrestHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the APS March Meeting, Portland, United States
Slow dynamics and jamming in colloidal systemsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Second international Workshop on soft condensed matter physics and biological systems, Fes, Morocco
Dynamical heterogeneity in the glass and jamming transitions of soft systemsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the IX Research Course on New X-Ray Sciences, Hambourg, Germany
Anomalous dynamics in jammed soft matter and its implication for microrheologyHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the AERC 2010, 6th Annual European Rheology Conference, Goteborg, Sweden
Slow dynamics and jamming in colloidal systemsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Formula VI, Stockholm, Sweden
Yielding in concentrated emulsions: a light microscopy investigation.HAL L. Cipelletti, D. J. Pine, and E. Knowlton, Paper presented at the 5th World Congress on Emulsions, Lyon, France
Interaction between patchy charged colloids: An experimental studyHAL M. In, and C. Derot, Paper presented at the 24th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, Prague, Czech Republic
Foaming and Interfacial Properties of Oligomeric Surfactant SolutionsHAL A. Salonen, M. In, J. Emile, and A. Saint-Jalmes, Paper presented at the EUFOAM 2010, Borovets, Bulgaria
Single wall carbon nanotubes-based materials and their orientational orderHAL C. Blanc, Paper presented at the ELCC 2009, Strasbourg, France
Probing the equilibrium dynamics of colloidal hard spheres above the mode-coupling glass transitionHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the CECAM Workshop New Trends in Simulating Colloids: from Models to Applications, Lausanne, Switzerland
Slow dynamics and jamming in colloidal systemsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Delivery of functionality in complex food systems, Wageningen, Netherlands
Probing slow dynamics in soft matter with XPCSHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the International Workshop on the Materials Imaging and Dynamics Instrument at the European XFEL, Grenoble, France
Probing dynamical heterogeneity by XPCSHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Coherence Beamline at Petra III: User Workshop, Hambourg, Germany
Potential of novel gradient copolymers for applications in supercritical carbon dioxide : a new step towards surface decontamination in nuclear industryHAL T. Ribaut, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, J. Oberdisse, S. Naeem, G. Sadowski, B. Fournel, S. Sarrade, and S. Lagerge, Paper presented at the 9th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Arcachon, France, CD-Rom
Orientational order of single-wall carbon nanotubes in stretch-aligned photoluminescent composite filmsHAL C. Zamora-Ledezma, C. Blanc, and E. Anglaret, Paper presented at the CNANO2009-Carbon-based nanostructured materials, France
Carbon nanotube-based aligned lyotropic nematic suspensions and anisotropic thin filmsHAL C. Zamora-Ledezma, C. Blanc, M. Maugey, C. Zakri, P. Poulin, and E. Anglaret, Paper presented at the CNANO2009-Carbon-based nanostructured materials, Santorin, Greece
Colloidal hard spheres : is there a glass transition below random close packing ?HAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Final meeting of the MCRTN ''Arrested Matter'', Taormina, Italy
Imaging foam dynamics using space and time resolved diffusinf wave spectroscopyHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Eufoam, Estec, Netherlands
Sedimentation of an attractive colloidal gel : time dependence of concentration and velocity profiles and local dynamicsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the 59 th International astronautical congress, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Hard Spheres : is there a glass transition Below Random Close Packing ?HAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the 34 th New England Complex Fluids Meeting, New Haven, USA, France
Unexpected drop of dynamical heterogeneities in colloidal suspensions approaching the jamming transitionHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Dynamical heterogeneities in glasses, colloids and granular media, Leiden, Netherland, France
A space and time resolved look into the dynamics of a 3D foamHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the GDR Mousses, Mousses, France, France
Synthesis of double hydrophilic block copolymers by ATRP and their assembly induced by complexationHAL J. Reboul, T. Nugay, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, M. In, and C. Gerardin, Paper presented at the 236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, United States, 49 (2), 316-317
Synthesis of new fluorinated gradient copolymers with complexing groups by RAFT polymerization and their properties in supercritical carbon dioxideHAL T. Ribaut, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, J. Oberdisse, B. Fournel, and S. Sarrade, Paper presented at the 236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, United States, 49 (2), 329-330
Self-organization of gradient and block copolymers with complexing properties in supercritical CO2HAL T. Ribaut, P. Lacroix-Desmazes, B. Fournel, S. Sarrade, J. Oberdisse, and S. Lagerge, Paper presented at the 11th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Barcelona, Spain, CD-Rom
Ductility versus Brittleness in Self-Assembled Transient NetworksHAL H. Tabuteau, S. Mora, L. Ramos, G. Porte, and C. Ligoure, Paper presented at the International Symposium on Non-Equilibrium Soft Matter, Kyoto, Japan (175), 47-53
Fluctuations and spatial correlation in the dynamics of soft glassy materialsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the SPIE Conference, Florence, Italy
Temporal heterogeneity and spatial correlation of the slow dynamics of soft glassy materialsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the 81 St ACS Colloid & Surface Science, Newark, United States
Dynamical heterogeneity at the jamming transition of soft materialsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Focus meeting in the framework of "Entropy Production, Transport, Chaos and Turbulence, Paris, France
Slow relaxations in soft glassy materialsHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the FIT 2007 Franco-Israeli trands in soft matter, biophysics and microfluidics, Biarritz, France, France
''Compressed'' exponential relaxations in soft glassesHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Flow in Glassy, Les Houches, France
Dynamical heterogeneity at the jamming transitionHAL L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the APS March Meeting, Denver, United States
Les hétérogénéités dynamiques dans la relaxation de la matière molle vitreuseHAL A. Duri, G. Gruebel, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Laboratoire de physique des solides, Paris, France
Etude des hétérogénéités dynamiques dans la relaxation lente de la matière molle vitreuseHAL A. Duri, G. Gruebel, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the CEA Saclay, Saclay, France
Dynamical heterogeneity in the slow relaxation of a colloidal fractal gelHAL A. Duri, L. Cipelletti, and G. Gruebel, Paper presented at the Institut für Röntgenphysic (Institute for X-Ray Physics), Göttingen, Germany
Les hétérogénéités dynamiques dans la relaxation de la matière molle vitreuseHAL A. Duri, L. Cipelletti, and G. Gruebel, Paper presented at the Laboratoire du Futur, Bordeaux, France
Dynamique spatialement et temporellement hétérogène dans la relaxation lente de la matière molle vitreuseHAL A. Duri, G. Gruebel, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Laboratoire de physique, ENS Lyon, Lyon, France
Temporal heterogeneity and spatial correlation of the slow dynamics of soft glassy systemsHAL A. Duri, L. Cipelletti, R. Perzynski, and A. Robert, Paper presented at the 21st conference of European colloid and interface society, Geneva, Switzerland
Dynamical heterogeneity in the slow relaxation of a colloidal fractal gelHAL A. Duri, L. Cipelletti, and G. Gruebel, Paper presented at the Department of physics, soft condensed matter group, Fribourg, Switzerland
Do wormlike micelles really reptate ? Answers from Gemini Surfactants.HAL M. In, Paper presented at the Engineering Conference International, Association in Solution, Barga, Italy
Chiral Free-standing Film MicromotorHAL C. Blanc, V. Lorman, F. Goc, and M. Nobili, Paper presented at the The 21st International Liquid Crystal Conference, Keystone, United States, 866
Effect of stress gradient at the vicinity of a crack tip on ionic diffusion in silicate glasses : an AFM studyHAL F. Celarie, M. Ciccotto, M. George, and C. Marliere, Paper presented at the The Fifth Conference on the Fractography of Glasses and Ceramics, Rochester, United States, 35
Heterogeneous dynamics: contribution of noise in TRC light scattering - going beyond TRC: space and time resolved light scatteringHAL A. Duri, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Department of physics, soft condensed matter group, Fribourg University, Fribourg, Switzerland
Spatial correlations and temporal heterogeneity of the slow dynamics of a colloidal fractal gelHAL A. Duri, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the 10èmes journées de la matière condensée de la société française de physique, Toulouse, France
FORMATION AND EVOLUTION OF A CONFINED LIQUID CONDENSATE AT THE CRACK TIP IN GLASSESHAL M. George, M. Ciccotti, V. Ranieri, L. Wondraczek, A. Dittmar, C. Oelgardt, F. Celarie, and C. Marliere, Paper presented at the 5th Conference on the Fractography of Glasses and Ceramics, Rochester (NY), France, 199, 25-34
Swollen Liquid crystals as templates for synthesis of nanomaterialsHAL G. Surendran, H. Remita, E. Prouzet, and L. Ramos, Paper presented at the Workshop on Radiation a Photochemistry, Pune, India
Nanostructured metal synthesized in Swollen Liquid CrystalsHAL G. Surendran, L. Ramos, E. Prouzet, and H. Remita,, vol. 1, 38-41
Du liquide visqueux au matériau structuré : quelles conditions pour un bon adhésif ?HAL P. Fabre, Paper presented at the Jadh’ 2005 : 13ème journées d’étude sur l’adhésion, Bollwiller, France
Search for analogy between molecular and colloidal glasses: Aging behavior and dynamic susceptibility.HAL E. Pashkovski, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the 229th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society, San Diego, United States, 229, U652
Synthesis of nanomaterials in highly swollen liquid crystals. Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials-2004HAL M. Tokumoto, G. Surendran, E. P. Dos Santos, P. Kooyman, H. Remita, L. Ramos, and E. Prouzet,, Vol. 847, 107-118
Mechanisms controlling the microplasticity of smectics resolved by optical microscopyHAL C. Blanc, I. Lelidis, M. Kleman, and J.-L. Martin, Paper presented at the The 20th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Fluctuations and noise in time-resolved light scattering experiments: measuring temporally heterogeneous dynamicsHAL A. Duri, H. Bissig, V. Trappe, P. Ballesta, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Conference on Fluctuations and Noise in Materials, Maspaloma, Spain
Dynamical heterogeneities in jammed systemsHAL A. Duri, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Department of physics, soft condensed matter group, Fribourg University, Fribourg, Switzerland
Fluctuations and noise in time-resolved light scattering experiments: Measuring temporally heterogeneous dynamicsHAL A. Duri, P. Ballesta, L. Cipelletti, H. Bissig, and V. Trappe, Paper presented at the Conference on fluctuations and noise in materials, Maspalomas, Spain
Dynamique lente et hétérogénéités temporelles dans un système micellaire concentréHAL A. Duri, and L. Cipelletti, Paper presented at the Journées jeunes chercheurs. Société française de chimie du Languedoc Roussillon., Montpellier, France
Dynamique de type ''creep'' de défauts topologiques dans un cristal liquideHAL A. Vella, R. Intertaglia, C. Blanc, and M. Nobili, Paper presented at the TROISIEME RENCONTRE DU GDR 2284: SYSTEMES ELASTIQUES - DU DESORDRE A LA PLASTICITE, Asnelles-Sur-Mer, France
Phénomènes de piégeage-dépiégeage d’orientation d’un nématique sur une interfaceHAL A. Vella, C. Blanc, R. Intertaglia, and M. Nobili, Paper presented at the Colloque d'Expression Française sur les Cristaux Liquides 2003, Dunkerque, France
Topologic and geometric features related to the confinement of smectic materialHAL C. Blanc, and M. Kleman, Paper presented at the International Workshop and seminar on Topology In Condensed Matter Physics, Dresden, Germany
Dynamique des dislocations coins dans un matériau lamellaireHAL C. Blanc, N. Zuodar, J.-L. Martin, I. Lelidis, and M. Kleman, Paper presented at the RENCONTRE DU GDR 2284: SYSTEMES ELASTIQUES - DU DESORDRE A LA PLASTICITE, Carcassonne, France
The confinement of smectics : some geometrical featuresHAL C. Blanc, and M. Kleman, Paper presented at the 19th International Liquid Crystal Conference 30 June- 5 july 2002, Edinburgh, Scotland., Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Tack properties of structured systems : example of smectic polymersHAL P. Fabre, Paper presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Polymers, New Hampshire, United States
Fluorinated copolymers : an example of temperature switchable adhesivesHAL G. D. Crevoisier, P. Fabre, and L. Leibler, Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, Myrtle Beach, South California, United States, 110
Tack and dewetting on copolymersHAL P. Fabre, Paper presented at the Adriatico Research Conference on Complex Fluids Far From Equilibrium, Trieste, Italy
Membranes and magnetic particlesHAL P. Fabre, Paper presented at the Workshop on " Biomolecular Materials ", Santa Barbara (CA), United States
Amphicolloids : hybrid liquid crystalsHAL P. Fabre, C. Quilliet, and M. Veyssié, Paper presented at the Gordon Research Conférence on Liquid Crystal, Wolfeboro, United States
Ferrosmectics and other amphicolloidsHAL P. Fabre, Paper presented at the 2nd European Gordon Conférence on Complex Fluids, Irsee, Germany